Saturday, September 29, 2007

Shore talk @ Sungei Buloh

The crowd at the talk! Empty seat vacated by yours truly to take the photo!

At the Secret Shore of Singapore talk by Ria Tan in the Theatrette of Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve. Look at the crowd! It's amazing. Seats ran out and the stairs are occupied and audience spill out the door!

Also present at the talk is the Masters of Environmental Management class on Environmental Management and Assessment. Dr Chua Ee Kiam, author of the recent book, Singapore's Splendours: Life on the Edge, is also here and will be saying a few words as well as a WWF Representative from Malaysia doing the hawksbill turtle tracking project in Melaka! Apparently, most of the hawksbill turtle in Melaka are tracked to the same place every year - off the Southern Shores of Singapore!

The WWF representative from Melaka, Malaysia sharing exciting news!

Coming up in the next 2 hours is another workshop for nature guides coordinated by Ria and myself and supported by Nparks sungei buloh volunteers as well as the Naked Hermit Crabs. The workshop is open to all nature guides in Singapore regardless of the place they guide at and the groups they guide with. Can't wait for that next.

This post has been brought to you by the new free wifi connection available at Sungei Buloh as well as many of the nature reserves and parks in Singapore. Thank you Nparks!

See more photos on my flickr set!

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