Monkey says: "Dear Readers, This is a call for volunteers for my ongoing Masters research project. Cheers, November"
Volunteers are needed to help out in an ongoing academic research project on the impact of Singapore’s food consumption on the environment in Malaysia. This is done through understanding why and how farmers decide whether or not to adopt sustainable agricultural practices – whether through government legislation, consumer demand or other environmental factors.
There are two different components of the research that requires volunteers:
1) Consumer Survey in Singapore
Update @ 8 May: Still urgently in need of volunteers!
A maximum of 50 volunteers are needed to conduct surveys with consumers in Singapore at supermarkets and wet markets. Each volunteer needs to survey a minimum of 20 respondents at their own time and schedule. The survey can be conducted anytime between May to October 2008. Briefing and training will be conducted for all volunteers. Volunteers are most welcomed in assisting with the compiling of these data. Please indicate when signing up!
2) Field assistants in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
No more vacancies. Thank you for all your interests.
Farm observations and interviews with farmers in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia will be conducted from June to August 2008. Volunteers get the opportunity to be involved with a university-level research project and get first hand experience doing fieldwork as well as getting to know more about how farms operate. Get to know where your food comes from. Volunteers are required to conduct farm observations and conduct rapid environmental assessment of the farms. Training will be provided. Volunteers do not have to stay for the full duration of the fieldwork. Preferably, you are able to stay for a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks at any time. Schedules are negotiable. Accommodation will be provided.
If you are interested or would like more details, please feel free to email
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Volunteer Opportunities
Posted by
Saturday, June 14, 2008
a very interesting research project that you have there.
it's pretty relevant to the new o'level geography syllabus on geography of food.
looking forward to reading more about it.
really? theres a new section on geography of food? what aspect? Is it just updating the old chapters on plantations and agriculture?
well the new chapter called geography of food encompasses:
1) food consumption patterns in the world since 1960s plus changing food preferences and its impact on people/farmers;
2) factors affecting intensity of food production ie your physical, social, economic, political and technological factors
3) benefits and disadvantages of food development ie GM food, damage to environment/ sustainability etc.
i would say this is much more relevant to the current world situation compared to old syllabus where u just studied how to farm wet rice lol. especially with the rice price hike now, there's so much room for class discussion.
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