Pardon me for my prolonged silence on this blog. As many of you may know, I am currently up to my neck in juggling graduate research, paperwork, teaching, 2 new paid jobs, classes and all my many blogs. While I've been silent on this one, I have been writing here, here, here, here and here where I recently gave some tips of things to do on Earth Hour 2008.
On top of that, together with Ivan, I will be appearing in all my glorious nakedhermitcrabbiness on Eunice Olsen's new talk show, Rouge, that airs every Sunday at 10pm on Mediacorp Channel 5. The studio filming will be this Sunday and the episode will air on April 20, 2008 as part of an Earth Day special.
Yesterday, together with a group of other crabbies, this monkey had a glorious morning at Pulau Semakau with a group of Commonwealth Youths and a group of students from Duke University led by Dr Dan and Dr Stan. On top of that, I had the film crew from Rouge following my group around while we explore the shores. It was my first time at Semakau but it was fun anyways. We saw lots of fan worms, jellyfish, nudibranch (Jorunna funebris), anemones (no nemos!), and lots of sponges, corals and what nots. Unfortunately I didn't have the good fortune to see the shark, stingray or knobby sea star.
Images taken from the Naked Hermit Crabs.
Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to use my camera much while I was trying to juggle the group, the crew and trying to enjoy my first time at Semakau. I am also pleased to say that I only got 1 sandfly bite out of the whole adventure! woohoo!
At the end of the day, as mentioned in my Daily Green Actions, "my favorite green action today was addressing 30 people at once, asking them to share their thoughts for the shore with us on paper". And of course getting the opportunity to confer upon Dr Dan, the first honorary crab membership ever! I felt I could have done it better since the gesture was kinda lost on most people. Ah, must improve my public speaking abilities. *sheepish*
If you have been wondering why there are no more Daily Green Actions update on this blog or if you are following the blog only via RSS reader, you may have not realized I've added the Daily Green Actions as a feed on the top of this blog. Alternative, for RSS subscribers, you can subscribe to this feed instead for Daily Green Actions update. You can also add Leafmonkey as a friend on Twitter. I am still looking for a better way to integrate the two instead of spamming my own blog. Please bear with me and know that I have not given up... yet!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Filmed at Semakau
Posted by
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Labels: Daily Green Action, nakedhermitcrab
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