Sunday, November 19, 2006

Akan Datang

Monkey branded by NParks! Photo by Ria.

Today monkey attended the NParks Volunteer Appreciation event held at Venus Drive. More photos and tidbits will follow shortly from the new subspecies of the rambling leaf monkey - Camera-Face Monkey!

The funny thing about this photo was that I was trying to take a photo of Ria and Dr Chua with their similar giant cameras (which I secretly covet) and the two of them shot me before I can shoot them. If this was a western standoff, I would have been one dead monkey already! All I can say is their precision and shutter speed far surpass mine! Besides, underhanded sneaky surprise shots are...well, sneaky! As the chinese says, 姜还是老的辣!Old ginger is still spicier! *Grin* But of course these two are eternally youthful ;) Monkey has much to learn!

It's hardly a week to exams and much apologies for not posting more regularly. I have reports from the Eco Product Fair and many other hot stories (turned rather cold) but if you guys are interested, check out my flickr account as it has all the latest photos and news.


pinto said...

Covet as in desire. Covert as in James Bond. ;)

Monkey said...

my bad. edited